Quantities and Rules

There are 9 Important Quantities that dominate Code Collapse's gameplay. They are:

1. Population - The number of people in the world(starts out at 7 billion)

2. Happiness - A percentage from 0% to 100% representing how happy people are

3. Literacy - A percentage from 0% to 100% representing how literate and educated people are

4. Quality of Life(QOL) - A percentage from 0% to 100% representing how good the lives people live are

5. Government Competence - A percentage from 0% to 100% representing the  efficiency and ability of the World Government

6. Corruption - A number going from 0 to infinity representing the prevalence of bribes and other illegal actions

7. Crime - A number going from 0 to infinity representing the abstract strength of any criminal groups in the world.

8. Power - A number from 0 to infinity. Is used by the player to commit criminal or philanthropic actions.

9. Connections - A number from 0 to infinity. Is used by the player for Upgrades.

There are several Rules relating to how these quantities will interact. They are:

1. For every unit of crime, 0.01 corruption is added per turn

2. For every unit of crime, population growth changes by -0.005%

3. For every unit of QOL below 50%, happiness changes by -0.1%

4. For every unit of QOL below 100%, literacy changes by -0.05%

5. For every unit of quality of life above 50%, happiness changes by +0.1%

6. For every unit of corruption, Government Competence changes by -0.01% per turn

7. For every unit of happiness below 100%, crime increases by 0.01

8. For every unit of QOL below 50%, population growth changes by -0.01%

9. For every unit of QOL above 50%, population growth changes by +0.01%

10. For every negative unit of population growth, QOL changes by -0.2%

11. For every unit of Government Competence, crime changes by -0.005

12. For every negative unit of population growth, happiness changes by -0.2%

13. For every unit of corruption, Crime will increase by 0.01

14. For every unit of happiness below 100%, QOL changes by -0.01%

15. For every unit of happiness below 100%, power changes by 0.25

16. For every unit of Government Competence below 100%, power changes by 1

17. Finally, this rule is a bit more complicated. When making this game, I came up with the assumption that every human generation builds knowledge from the previous generation and uses it to benefit Humanity as a whole. Thus, I came up with the following formula:

Where L is the Literacy and Pc is the Population Change. The result of this formula is used to increase QOL(provided population growth isn't negative, in which case this formula won't apply). 

For example, at the start of the game, the population is 7 billion, and the literacy is 100%. With all modifiers taken into account, the population will grow by 2%. 2% of 7 billion is 140 million. Since literacy is 100%, this will just give 140 million inside the root. The 4th root of 140 million is  108.777...., and dividing this by 100 gives 1.087..., rounded to 1.09. Thus, together with other modifiers, QOL will increase by 1.09 on the next turn(well, in theory - QOL is at 100% at the start, and won't go above it). 

As you can see, these quantities are closely-linked together. Naturally, one would think that damaging one would damage the others and cause a total collapse, and one is right - if there weren't certain Modifiers active as well as the Ministers... 


Build1.zip Play in browser
Dec 24, 2020

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