Version 1.1

Notable Changes:

  1. Instead of creatures moving up, down, left or right, they now have a direction they move forward in, with the actions to turn right and turn left.
  2. Rather than using a Tanh function to compute the value of neurons, the Rectified Linear Units function is used.
  3. Changed the method of mutation - instead of a small chance to mutate anything, there is a 1% chance for a mutation, with possible mutations getting an equal chance

Minor Changes:

  1. Creatures now "look" into the direction they're moving in, but this only applies to creatures that have internal neurons, i.e. they're a bit "smarter"
  2. When a new generational killer is being placed, pressing "C" to clear the other ones will not work until the current killer is placed/its placement is cancelled
  3. Added the ability to pause the game by pressing SPACE
  4. Increased the chance of a connection being made to/from an internal neuron
  5. Changed the background to a grey grid
  6. Removed "Copyright" text in the main menu, and instead made it version text
  7. The game can now be sped up to 25x
  8. Stopped creatures' connections looping back into input neurons
  9. Removed "Do Nothing" as a possible action for creatures
  10. Made all actions(except movement) be updated every 0.1 seconds, NOT instantly
  11. Creatures now spawn in accordance with the grid background, and do NOT overlap each other
  12. Removed the "Instinct" Input neuron
  13. Made the generational killers actually WORK when the game is sped up
  14. The mutagen bomb will now ensure creatures DEFINITELY mutate
  15. Changed "Mutation Passes" to "Mutation Chance" in the simulation panel
  16. Creatures' is now calculated RELATIVE to the size of the world
  17. It is no longer possible for connections, when mutating, to switch the neurons they're connected to
  18. Updated all explanations in menus in accordance with new changes
  19. Creatures should now imitate other creatures correctly
  20. Creatures do not know the specific x and y of the creatures they're focusing on anymore
  21. Made the starting weight of a connection between 0.1 and 1.0. Furthermore, with a 50% chance, this value is negated(otherwise, a random value between -1.0 and 1.0 would average at around 0)
  22. Removed "Distance from Eastern Border" and "Distance from Southern Border" as things creatures know about
  23. Added(or re-added, I think - it's been a while since I worked on YAES/S) the "Random Number" input neuron, which is a random float between -1 and 1

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Nov 02, 2022


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